With every case we take on, with every victim we support, we reaffirm our mission to ensure that justice prevails and survivors find their voices.
Our Mission
The mission of St. Louis Survivors Legal Support (SLSLS) is to provide zealous advocacy and meaningful access to justice for victims of intimate partner violence and their children, and to educate the St. Louis community about the legal process and resources for those seeking protection. SLSLS helps victims get effective legal relief in the form of thorough and enforceable orders of protection and other companion orders.
What We Do at SLSLS
Partner with police departments, community advocate organizations, and local establishments that regularly encounter people in distress. Through these relationships, SLSLS connects with victims before they would typically seek help on their own, perhaps saving them from years of abuse.
Educate partner community organizations’ members about the dynamics of intimate partner violence, how to identify victims of intimate partner violence, how to obtain an order of protection, and how to refer cases to SLSLS.
Consult with victims of intimate partner violence to help them determine whether an order of protection is in their best interest (as sometimes the filing of a petition to get a full order of protection could place the victim in a more dangerous situation).
Assist with the SLSLS application process, prepare them for their court hearings, refer them to advocates for safety planning, and connect them with community resources for their other needs.
Provide free legal representation at their order of protection hearings, advocating for them to obtain the relief that they need, such as custody/visitation of their children, child support, rent, firearms relinquishment and batterer programs. When abusers “pose a serious danger” to SLSLS clients (due to the facts alleged and/or the offenders’ history), their attorneys seek lengthy orders of protection.
Help hold offenders accountable when they violate orders of protection, by strategizing with officers from partner police departments, and by helping victims file motions for contempt to report these violations to the judges who issued the orders.
Our History
SLSLS was created for several very basic reasons:
Too many victims of intimate partner violence fail to report their abuse. National statistics show that only a small percentage come forward to file petitions for orders of protection.
The process of petitioning for an order of protection is daunting for victims who are frightened, anxious, tired, and angry. As a result, many victims do not provide all the information that the judges need to make decisions about both short-term and long-term protection. Many victims do not ask for all the help that they deserve – and the judges can only grant the help that has been requested.
A huge percentage of those who do file fail to return to the courthouse to have their cases heard, leaving judges little choice but to dismiss their cases.
Of those who actually do return for their hearings, very few have attorneys to help them get the relief that they deserve.
Most victims have no idea that if the abuser violates the order of protection, they can return to the Order of Protection Office and file a motion for contempt. In contempt court, if the judge finds that the abuser violated the order, the abuser could be jailed for up to six months.
SLSLS was founded on the belief that no victim should go through any part of the order of protection process alone.
Victims need help filing their petitions to ensure that they convey all the facts necessary to get the relief that they deserve. Victims are more likely to appear at the courthouse when they know that someone is there waiting for them. Furthermore, victims need experienced professionals representing them in the courtroom to present the evidence sufficient to get long-term protection. Victims also need help figuring out what to do when the offender violates the order of protection; sometimes calling the police is simply not enough.
SLSLS believes in the generosity of the St. Louis legal community. Nearly fifteen years ago, SLSLS’ founder counted on attorneys from the community in establishing and sustaining the St. Louis County Domestic Violence Court. He knew that he could continue turning to incredible local attorneys for support when he founded SLSLS in 2022. More than 120 attorneys have volunteered to provide their services.
In its first five months of operating (April - August 2023), SLSLS has hired 2 full-time employees; hosted three all-day volunteer trainings attended by over 125 volunteers; cultivated numerous partnerships with police departments, service providers, and law firms; and, most importantly, handled more than 80 cases, with nearly 100% of its clients returning to the courthouse to have their cases heard. With additional support, SLSLS will be able to extend a helping hand to so many more victims of intimate partner violence.
Our Team
Michael D Burton
Founder and Executive Director
Tali Katz
Director of Legal Advocacy
Ema Remtula
Director of Client Services
Aruna Tailor
Outreach Advocate/Specialist in Immigration Services (OASIS)
Sister Katie Norris
Program Evaluation Coordinator
Kylie Cain
Office Administrator